- 有層次感,由軟(入口)至硬(子宫)
- 二層構造
- 内部佈滿大小不同的肉球
- 非貫通設計
- 附送潤滑液
- 包裝尺寸:230 x 115 x 87 mm
- 全長:17cm 內部長:12cm
- 商品重量:550克
- 日本製造
- 建議配合潤滑液使用
- 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用
The more you insert, the harder you will feel. The channel is filled with bumps with different sizes to increase further pleasure.
- Layering, from soft (entrance) to hard (uterus)
- Two-layer structure
- Bumps with different sizes
- Non-through design
- Lubricant included
- Packing size: 230 x 115 x 87mm
- Full length: 17cm Internal length: 12cm
- Product weight: 550g
- Made in Japan
-It is recommended to use with lubricating fluid
-If you feel uncomfortable during use, please stop using it immediately
顏色(主要) | 肉色_膚色 |