從今天開始,每天都會為主人服務! 美麗的女僕深田榮美(深田えいみ)隨時保持良好狀態!
- 雙重結構設計
- 充血外型加內部細緻的仿真紋理
- 名器表面有深田榮美簽名
- 非貫通設計
- 附送潤滑液
產品尺寸:145 x 85 x 75毫米
- 建議配合潤滑液使用
- 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用
Starting today, it will serve the master every day! The beautiful maid Eimi Fukada is always in good condition!
The double-layer structure design, the hyperemia plus delicated simulation texture inside make you want to go home every day.
-Double layer structure
-Hyperemia plus delicated simulation texture
-Eimi Fukada'signature on the surface
-Non-through design
-Lubricant is included
Product size: 145 x 85 x 75 mm
Product weight: 380g
-It is recommended to use with lubricant
-If you feel unwell during use, please stop using it immediately
顏色(主要) | 肉色_膚色 |