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Pjur MAN 基本水溶性潤滑劑 - 持久戰用的水溶性潤滑劑。這款產品永遠不會黏糊糊的或發乾的。配方可為肌膚完全吸收,令肌膚柔軟順滑。
Pjur MAN 基本水漾潤滑劑不含油脂或香料,所以對特別肌膚及黏膜溫和體貼。
- 持久戰用的潤滑劑
- 水溶性
- 十分幼滑
- 不會黏糊糊的或發乾的
- 配方可為肌膚完全吸收
- 不含染色劑、不含油脂、不含香料
- 德國製造
產品宜存放在室溫清涼及乾燥的地方,避免陽光直射及高溫。用後要把蓋掩好。產品一經打開後可存用 3 個月。
pjur® Man Basic Waterglide - water based lubricant for long-lasting pleasure. This lubricant certainly never gets sticky or tacky. The formula is fully absorbed by the skin, making it soft and smooth. pjur® Man Basic Waterglide is fat-free, oil-free and perfume-free, and therefore is particularly gentle to your skin and mucous membranes. pjur® Man Basic Waterglide - for unlimited pleasure. pjur® MAN – MAKE SEX BETTER!
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