TENGA crysta 系列看起來就像一件水晶般的藝術品。
分別有三個版本,Leaf、Ball 和 Block。
- 透明設計,像水晶般晶瑩剔透
- 可作為裝飾品作擺設
- 彈力素材
- 容易清洗
- 非貫通
- 附送潤滑液
- 建議配合潤滑液使用
- 使用時如有不適,請立即停止使用
TENGA crysta collection looks like a piece of art.
There are three versions, leaf, ball and block.
Each of the three models has different textures to give you different stimulant.
It will not be found if it is used as an decoration!
-Transparent design, crystal clear
-Can be used as decoration
-Elastic material
-Easy to clean
-Included lubricant
-Recommended for use with lubricant
-If you feel unwell during use, please stop using it immediately
顏色(主要) | 黑色, 透明 |